SPESIFIKASI Honda Jazz X Grade

Appear more stylish and the addition of several new features, Honda introduced the latest version of the hatchback Famous, Honda Jazz, Honda Jazz which is now labeled X.
Honda Jazz X is presented to provide a premium driving experience, and cater for the Indian market, the price tag of U.S. $ 16,260 or approximately USD 145 millions.
Honda Jazz X comes with the addition of a smart exterior design, which also features a new interior, and a few accessories and the latest design rim.
Front grille that is designed more elegantly with the body color of a sweetened with chrome on the list and foglamp surounding that integrates with the water flow, a differentiator X Jazz with other Jazz version.
The interior now has a two-color scheme of blue and black. Rear parcel shelf, height adjustable driver's seat function and USB ports would add more comfort inside the cabin.
Newer vehicles that have the same engine with the Honda Insight hybrid, complete with a capacity of 1.3 liter engine combined with CTV technology, and an electric motor located between the two to create a parallel hybrid system.
Jazz hybrid, just like the Insight and Civic hybrids, can be driven with electric motors only in slow and medium speed.
Although higher than the Honda Insight, the Jazz have this level of fuel consumption and CO2 production are comparable. Honda will also release data fuel use and gas emissions at the Paris Motor Show.
Jazz hybrid also has some fitu that distinguish it from conventional types such as the appearance of new headlights, rear lights clear, 'front grille' new, brand-new bumper, and the 'tailgate' chrome.
Interior design was slightly different from the 'dashboard' which is darker. Some Jazz hybrid also comes with a leather trim, features for the first time owned the Honda Jazz in Europe.
Meanwhile, the leaders said it is not planning to sell the Honda Jazz hybrid in the United States (U.S.) due to the hybrid segment in the U.S. have been filled by Insight.
Fun, if the Indonesian Jazz 1500 cc engine, well in India this X Jazz hood accommodates 1198 cc four-cylinder engine VTEC is capable of producing 89 hp power.
Honda Honda Jazz in India Price X is costing U.S. $ 16,260 or approximately USD 145 millions.
"We are very pleased to expand the preferred variant for our customers with a Honda Jazz Jazz is the new X-Grade," said Marketing Director of Honda Siel Cars India Pvt India, Tatsuya Natsume, as reported by the official site of Honda India, Thursday (08/12/2010)
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